Create a visual suite for employees at Universal Music UK that sparks without relying on any visuals of artists or big names.
This event is about showing appreciation for the workers who commit their life/creative force to make visions and dreams come true. Their passion already created the utopic realm, UMG UK is just saying thank you.

Physical Invitation Package

RSVP Website UX/UI

I expanded the concert-only event to a full day of festivities. Sunrise, an art and activities exhibit during the day then, Sunset, a pandora’s box of musical performances in the evening. Employees will get a program book with a cover that doubles as a sleeve containing their 45 vinyl with randomized songs from the concert setlist.

Sunrise Exhibit Entrance

Social Media Activation

Stage Design

Lyrics and song titles will be displayed so, anyone unfamiliar with the genre/artist can quickly feel a part of the realm.

B a c k T o T o p B a c k T o T o p